• During SY 08-09 DIA received the highest percentage of returning LET 2's
  • During our first Formal Inspection the "Pink Panther Battalion" recieved the Meritorious Unit Insignia (white star)
  • SY 07-08  the Pink Panther Battalion received the honors as the ''Most Improved Unit" duing the City-Wide Cup Competiton held annually.
  • SY 07-08 Five Cadets were members of the DIA Robotics Team which won 1st place in the 2008 Buckey Regional Competition.
  • SY 08-09 Sixteen cadets were members of the DIA swim team which placed 2nd overall in the City Finals
  • Our very own staff member C/2LT Goodman (S2) placed 12th out of 108 runners during during the City Wide Cross Crountry meet.
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