Detroit International Academy is a college preparatory school that began in 2005 with an initial enrollment of 78 girls, under the leadership and guidance of our principal, Ms. Beverly Hibbler. She had a vision to establish a Detroit Public School, a single - gender institution that would provide a unique, interesting, and challenging learning environment for young ladies. 

       Our District saw the need and our community was eager for a viable alternative to traditional education. They wanted something different and innovative, they wanted another chioce. From 78 students in 2005 to approximately 500 students currently, DIA has had two and a half very successful years. As a result, we have had the opportunity to expand. In Augest of 2007, we moved from a small building where teacher were sharing classrooms, into this large, full - service facility, the former Northern High School, where we can grow, stretch and excel. DIA is moving ahead. We are moving ahead with academic opportunities and extra-curricular activities. We are proud to be the first all-girls public high school in the city of Detroit and in the State of Michigan. We seek to serve a diverse, multi-population. Our doors are currently open to all 7th and 8th grade young ladies in the Metro-Detroit area. Yes, we are proudof our school. 

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